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Chinese veterinary medicine to deal with food safety problem--For export only

Melamine milk powder, Sudan duck egg, formaldehyde milk sugar, dyed pepper, clenbuterol In recent years, more than 70% of the major food safety incidents in China have been caused by meat, eggs, milk and other animal derived foods, "animal origin" has become the top priority of food safety control.
To this end, a number of experts called on the 7th China Beijing International Food Safety Technology Forum recently to tighten the valve from the source, strengthen the prevention and control of animal epidemics through the creation of new veterinary drugs, and reduce the abuse of antibiotics.
The "animal source" that can not be ignored
"Safety on the tip of the tongue" is a hot topic of this year's two sessions. The government work report proposed that we should "strictly abide by laws and regulations and standards, use the strictest supervision, the strictest punishment and the strictest accountability, resolutely control the pollution on the table, and practically guarantee the" safety on the tip of the tongue ".
It can be said that from the promulgation of the food safety law and the amendment to the criminal law (8), to the establishment of the food safety committee of the State Council, and then to the proposal of "three strictest" this year, the state attaches more and more importance to food safety.
However, under severe attack, the situation of food safety in China is still severe, especially for animal food.
Xia Xianzhu, academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering and researcher of the Institute of Military Veterinary Medicine of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences, said that in the past five years, food borne diseases caused by microorganisms have accounted for more than 60% of food safety incidents, and the pathogens of food borne diseases are closely related to animal epidemics.
The pathogens of foodborne diseases include bacterial pathogens, viral pathogens, parasite pathogens and biotoxins. Among them, avian influenza is the most typical viral pathogenic foodborne disease. As of March 9, 379 cases of h7n9 influenza had been confirmed in China, 80 of which died, causing a direct economic loss of about 50 billion yuan in China's poultry industry.
Xia Xianzhu said that animal epidemics are extremely harmful to human health, and more than 70% of the more than 200 known animal epidemics can infect human beings.
Another problem that can't be ignored is that in order to control animal diseases, it has become an indisputable fact in the domestic breeding industry to use a large number of antibiotics. Xia Xianzhu said that at present, China has become one of the countries with the most serious drug resistance of animal origin bacteria in the world, and the residues of antimicrobial drugs in animal origin food have become the biggest hidden danger of food safety.
"At present, many veterinary drugs used in the breeding industry have teratogenic, mutagenic or carcinogenic hazards, such as nitrofurans, arsenic preparations and other veterinary drugs have been proved to have carcinogenic effects." Xia Xianzhu said.
Xu Jianqin, Professor of School of animal medicine, China Agricultural University, also told the author that 50% of antibiotics produced in China are used in animal breeding, while blind abuse and serious over standard of chemicals and antibiotics lead to the decline of adaptability and disease resistance of livestock and poultry, as well as the prevalence of multi pathogenic diseases, which are difficult to diagnose and control.
Chinese veterinary medicine to break through
"Veterinary drugs add antibiotics, and drugs enter the food chain", so animal food is in a vicious circle, and consumers are eager to find out the best solution as soon as possible.
According to Li Hongquan, vice president of Shanxi Agricultural University, the first task at present is to research and develop substitutes for chemical and antibacterial drugs, and Chinese veterinary drugs and feed additives are the best choice, which has also been the consensus of the industry.
Xu Jianqin agreed: "Chinese veterinary medicine is to apply the theory of traditional Chinese medicine to animals, and take" prevention of disease "as the premise of animal health care, which can reduce the use of vaccines, chemicals and antibiotics."
Xia Xianzhu also believes that Chinese veterinary medicine emphasizes the coordination of drugs, avoids drug residues and drug resistance, and can effectively guarantee the food safety of animal origin from the source. Zeng Jianguo, a professor at Hunan Agricultural University, also said that Chinese veterinary drug additives can inhibit the inflammatory reaction, maintain the best production performance of the body, inhibit the enzymatic degradation of amino acids, and improve the utilization rate of amino acids.
"115 kinds of traditional Chinese medicines with the same source of medicine and food published by the Ministry of health have been included in the feed raw material catalogue as natural plants, which will undoubtedly lead to a boom in the creation of biological feeds and additives with the same source of medicine and food." Xu Jianqin said.
However, as far as I know, the level of new veterinary drug creation in China is still backward. To judge the efficacy advantage and development value of drugs, we mainly rely on the "experience" type, lacking the support of pharmacokinetic experiments. In addition, the research models and methods of traditional Chinese medicine pharmacology have their own characteristics, and can not mechanically apply the efficacy evaluation methods of Western medicine.
In this regard, Li Hongquan believes that a new efficacy evaluation system for the scientific evaluation of the effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine needs to closely integrate the pharmacology of traditional Chinese medicine with the chemistry of traditional Chinese medicine, and study the dosage forms and preparations of Chinese veterinary medicine to improve and ensure its bioavailability.
In addition, it is a way worth exploring for the modernization of Chinese veterinary medicine to regard the compound Chinese medicine as a natural compound library, take the efficacy as the guide, apply modern science and technology to carry out overall separation, screen efficient and effective parts and components, and then carry out new drug research and development with the concept of component Chinese medicine.
"Just like fishing, the compound treasure house of 12800 kinds of medicinal materials and more than 10000 prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine is the fish pond. The fish in the pond is an effective lead compound. The modern biomedical means is the fish hook, which follows the theory and principles of traditional Chinese medicine, fishing according to" material "," formula "or" principle " Said Li Hongquan.
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